Monday, November 14, 2016

Power Factor Seminar Nov. 18, 2016

Power Factor Seminar Nov. 18, 2016 – $129.00

Power Factor Seminar Equation

Power Factor Seminar Showing Total Power Factor

 Eventbrite - Power Factor Seminar NOV. 18 2016 (PQ-102) 4 Credit Hrs

Power Factor Seminar PQ-(102)

Power Factor Seminar accredited by State of Wisconsin DSPS # 17409 4 credit hrs. Great for Commercial Electrical Inspector Certification, Industrial Journeyman Electrician License, Journeyman Electrician License, Master Electrician License and Electrical Professionals.

This four hour power factor seminar course explains the three
types of power factor, from a cause and effect
basis. The seminar demonstrates how to
size power factor capacitors for various types of
situations and the pitfalls to be avoided!

Introduction to Power Factor
Definition of power factor

Benefits of high power factor

Problems with low power factor

Types of Power Factor

Fundamental Frequency (Displacement) Power Factor

Motor currents and PF

Typical PF by industry

Lagging (inductive) current

Leading (capacitive) current

How much capacitance to add

Harmonic resonance

Detuning capacitors to avoid resonance

Capacitor boosting (Voltage, kVAR, current)

Local vs. Centralized capacitors

Fixed vs. automatic PF capacitor systems

Capacitor switching device ratings

Cost of low power factor

Distortion Power Factor

Estimating distortion PF based on harmonic current distortion

Causes of low distortion power factor (harmonic distortion)

Typical current distortion by equipment

What does harmonic current distortion look like?

Improving distortion PF

Total (true rms) Power Factor

Function of both displacement and distortion PF

Best practices

Decisions to be made about total PF

The Power Factor Seminar is approved by the State of Wisconsin for credential types:

Commercial Electrical Inspector Certification, Industrial Journeyman Electrician License, Journeyman Electrician License, Master Electrician License

Several real life examples are worked as a

group to demonstrate the techniques used to

perform analysis of power factor, size power

factor equipment and to quantify the expected

results and ROI.

Upon completion of this course, participants

should have a meaningful understanding of the

various types of power factor, the impact that

low power factor has on electric power systems,

the causes of low power factor, methods to

analyze power factor and methods to improve

power factor.

This course is applicable to electrical industry

professionals serving either industrial or

commercial environments. For maximum benefit

of this course, participants should have an

understanding of basic electrical principles such

as Ohms law, power, electrical metering, motors

and general electrical equipment and systems.
Eventbrite - Power Factor Seminar NOV. 18 2016 (PQ-102) 4 Credit Hrs

Power Factor Seminar Nov. 18, 2016